Right here Joey, right here!
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Quotes 46-60
Quotes 61-62
Quotes 31-45
July 28, 2003
Mood:  Sad
Music:  U2-Stuck In A Moment
Well, the job that I seemed to have hated is now over, and when I wake up this morning, I will be unemployed, and have nothing to do anymore.  I am so sad that it's over, and I wasn't expecting this at all.  I made a lot of good friends and I hope that all those relationships last and they're not forgotten either.
You know, the only thing is that I thought this summer was going to be bullshit free, but as we all seem to know, you can't run from bullshit.  It follows you everywhere, and can find a way to damper everything that has made you very happy and joyful.
But, some stuff, I'm glad that I experienced, I'm a better person for it.  But in the end, some stuff is just pointless and it doesn't even matter.  At least however, friends are always there to help you, and thats what counts.
People don't usually know what they have until it's gone, and that is so true.  But, sometimes, you can't help but stop and think about what you lost, and that just puts you in a mood that sucks a lot.  But oh well, life goes on, may suck at first, but oh well, it goes on...
Mood:  Sad
Music:  Matchbox 20-Unwell