Right here Joey, right here!
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Quotes 46-60
Quotes 61-62
Quotes 31-45
August 1, 2003
Mood:  Tired
Music:  Injected-Faithless
Well, it's been an interesting week at that.  Let's see, haven't really gone out much, just been home a lot, doing stuff around here.  Had a good weekend, wait, did I?  Oh yeah, just kicked back on Saturday with a friend, listening to some rock, a little rap, and then some Barry White at the end.  Good times, especially cause it was like 11 pm or so when we did this.
Sunday, was just a day to relax, supposed to go do stuff but didnt, just stayed home, but not by choice of course.  Monday was the most boring day I can ever remember.  I had nothing to do, couldn't practice my sax, no one wanted to do anything, just a very boring day, that's all there is to it.
Tuesday was the exact same way, same nothing to do, same everything.  I don't know how people can go the whole summer just staying home having nothing to do, it just seems a little strange and ackward, that's all. 
Wednesday, this was the beginning of the end.  Went finally to go play pool only to find the place closed, lousy montana billairds...But, went to school for a band meeting, found out we've got a challenge in front of us this year, but I think we're gonna kick ass and do really good this year.  After that, practiced the music for about and hour, and then just knocked out completely, just really tired.
Thursday and today were just this stupid, well, not stupid totally, but I thought it was real fun to get up and go to summer band.  But oh well, I guess that saying about pain being weakness leaving the body is true.  Turns out, I'm really weak.  LOUSY WEAKNESS.  J/k.  It hasn't been as bad as I thought it was going to be, so that's good I guess.  Well, that's it, so I'll catch you around sometime.
Mood:  Alright
Music:  Linkin Park-Somewhere I Belong