Right here Joey, right here!
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Quotes 46-60
Quotes 61-62
Quotes 31-45
February 2, 2004
Mood:  Eh..there, little sad
Music:  The Darkness-I Beleive In A Thing Called Love
Nothing to say about school, seeing as how I should be there right now, but I'm not because I'm sick.
I don't know what to do anymore, you ever just been stuck somewhere for a long time? Then, you try to break off from whatever the norm has become, and you can't. It's not because you don't want to, but you can't, it's too hard.
Moving on from something is supposed to help. It's supposed to make you not forget but simply place aside stuff that hurt you and what not. So, it sounds like an ok deal, something that would make everything ok. What if though, you moved on, to the same thing, over and over and over?  Doesn't really make sense to move on then does it? Then, there's the latter, and things could work out great, and happiness wouldn't be something you dream of, but something you live.
Trust is something you gain and earn from being loyal and honest. Don't ever lose that, because once that's gone, you have nothing.
I don't know what else to write.
Mood:  Sad
Music:  Dashboard Confessional-Screaming Infidelities