Right here Joey, right here!
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Quotes 46-60
Quotes 61-62
Quotes 31-45
February 7, 2004
Mood:  Take one guess...
Music:  Brand New-Okay I Beleive You, But My Tommy Gun Don't
"Hope this song starts a craze, the kind of song that ignites the airwaves, the kinda song that makes people glad to be wherever they are, with whoever they're there with...this is war...every line is about who I don't wanna write about more, hope you come down something they can't diagnose, or have a cure for..."
Anyway, sorry, just started typing along with the song, and the underlined part is my favorite parts of that song...
Well, I don't know what the hell I'm honestly doing anymore. I can't seem to decide just what I want and what I'm going to do. I'm just fed up with feeling nothing but the same hurt and bitterness all the time. I want to be happy, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to do it, no matter what I try.
She hates me...nope, didn't work
She MAY still like me....try again
MOVE ON ALREADY!...uhuh, got anything else?
Be her friend and hope for best...yeah, no...that the best you got?
Well, that is the best I got, and if that is, well then I'm pretty screwed right now. 
You ever done something or had something to eat before, but it was a long time ago. You remember every single moment of it, and you know it was the best time you've ever had, or one of them at least. So, as time moves on, you want to experience that again, and feel that happiness and joy again, so you try to do it again, recreate it, so forth. You do that all, only to realize that it wasn't as great as you remember it, and it's actually a disappointment.  Then, you can just move on to the next big thing you have to do.  Yeah, that'd be a good feeling I bet...
Mood:  Depressed in case you didn't guess...
Music:  Thursday-This Song Brought To You By A Falling Bomb